4 Simple Steps to Create Social Change



TALK WITH YOUR NEIGHBORS—not just the people who agree with you, and not just people you know. Tell them the issue and how you would address it. Carefully listen to their responses.



GATHER A GROUP OF PEOPLE who will work to create the proposed changes. Change comes from citizens like you. It will be helpful if your group includes a lawyer, gregarious types, and a person who can produce statistical research. State your case from several angles—some people respond to numbers, others prefer emotional arguments, etc.


MEET WITH LOCAL LEADERS and attend the necessary meetings. Bring as many people as you can. Ask lots of questions, make your stance known, and understand other perspectives. Why do others think your issue needs (or doesn’t need) addressing? Ask your town to create a subcommittee to address the issue.


GET OUT THE VOTE. Once you’ve determined how and where the issue will be discussed, debated, and ultimately voted on, make sure you get people to show up. This takes work on your part, and there really is strength in numbers.